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Homework Hints

September 11, 2018

Did you know the first hour home after school is the best hour to get the homework completed? Take time for a healthy snack (fruit or vegetable paired with a protein)(StudySkills.com).

Students may also find time at the end of a class, while waiting for the activity bus, between school and church activities or before a ball game to get some work done. The less homework brought home, the more motivated a student will be to finish the remaining work quickly. 

Check that your home work station is well supplied with pens, sharpened pencils, stapler, paper, scissors, ruler, markers, glue, etc. A wastebasket and good study lamp are also helpful. By keeping the work area well stocked, your child will have fewer reasons to stall or roam the house searching for missing items (or killing time).

Limit distractions. Keep the study area peaceful, quiet and free of interruptions. Make the area a no cell phone and TV zone. Multi-tasking is a time-killer. Each time the brain is distracted, there is a time delay. This can double the work time which defeats the purpose of multi-tasking.

Parents, pay your bills, do your desk work at the same time. This helps your children feel like they aren't "missing out" and keeps them focused. 

Periodically, allow your child a short break to get the brain rested. Bring up the heart beat with a fifteen minute physical activity. This increases the blood flow to the brain which will help with concentration and long-term learning. Breaks also reduce procrastination.